viernes, 24 de junio de 2016

Las Noches De San Juan Lady hagua

La Noche De San Juan

Trenzaremos flores
Para consolidar el amor
Lanzadas  a la hoguera
Mientras saltamos

Con las hogueras
Daremos más fuerzas al sol
Que pronto los días se acortaran
Y llagara el frio


Bailaremos sin parar
Alrededor del fuego
Muy cerca del mar
La noche de San Juan

Saltaremos la hoguera
Al menos siete veces
Y nuestros deseos
Se cumplirán
La noche de San Juan

Nos daremos un baño
Con la luz de la luna
Y el mar se llevara
Las malas energías
La Noche De San Juan


Pondremos piedras en sal
Para limpiar el mal
Y las buenas energías
Y la alegría llegara

Llenaremos un saquito
Con polvos mágicos
Que atraerán el amor
Y nos darán protección.


Cantautora Lady Hagua

Día 31 Junio 2016

martes, 14 de junio de 2016

Not Ablation FREE AFRICA Lady Hagua

Not ablation
Not ablation
Not ablation
Not ablation
Not ablation
You must know
That it is no good
Not ablation
Not ablation
You must know
That it is not good
Not ablation
Not ablation
You must know
That it is not good
Noooooooooot ablation
Nooooooooot ablation
Nooooooooot ablation
You must know
That it is not good
You must know
That it is not good
Noooooooot ablation
Noooooooot ablation
You must know
That it is not good
You must know
That it is not good
Noooooooo ablation
Noooooooo ablation
You must know
That it is not good
You must know
That it is not good
You must know
Thaaaaat it is no good
You must know
Thaaaaat it is not good
You must know
That it is not good
Noooooooot eblation
Noooooooot eblation
You must know
That it is not good
You must know
That it is not good
Not eblation
Not eblation
You must know
That it is not good
You must know
That it is not good
You must know
That it is not good
You must know
That it is not good